Ning’s Malaysian Food

Self published book designed for a Manchester based restaurant. The style of the Ning restaurant brand needed to be worked into the book design, this happened mostly with colour and consistent use of type throughout the book.

Malaysian Food is Ning's first cook book
Book design Brief
Authentic, personal, individual, ‘Ning’, stylish but not pretentious, simple. These were the words Ning wanted to used to describe their book. Malaysian food is not a typical recipe book, much of the page content is devoted to the story behind Malaysian food with personal introductions from chef Norman Musa, and intervals of information on specific everyday aspects of Malaysian food, as well as information about Ning and …

Snooty Ooty Logo design

Logo design for a new company creating hand made silver jewellery – their style is modern with clean lines and organic shapes. Their colours based on that of a peacock.

Snooty Ooty logo in stacked format
In-line colour and Black and White variants
Logo design brief
The image above is the final result of the brief. The brief was given by email and contained a summary of the influences on their jewellery designs with helpful images

Peacock BroochIndian Block Prints

The main focus for the logo design …