A type-eye view of interesting things found in the world at large. things i’m inspired by, things I think are worth sharing, things we can learn from whether good or bad and all with a theme of typography running through.

New Student Investor Website

Typefunction is the typesetting arm of Refined Practice and I’d like to tell you of a new project we are excited about.

The Student Investor Challenge was an online share trading game run since 2003 for secondary school business studies, maths and economics students. The game stopped in 2020, but we are launching a new share trading game called SI:Redux to fill the gap left in online learning resources.

The game is being put together with privacy in mind, so all students information and data will remain their information and data. For regular updates on the games progress and when we’ll able to start please check out the blog.

Please …

a type-eye view

I’d like to start by laying down what i’m going to use this blog for. It’s not about blowing my own trumpet, that’s what the ‘work.’ part of this site is for. No, it’s for things i’m inspired by, things I think are worth sharing, things we can learn from whether good or bad and all with a theme of typography running through.

As I don’t claim to be the authority all things typographic, I’d like to encourage discussion in the form of comments so we can see things from an others perspective.

All in all I hope we can all enjoy the typographically interesting things stumbled across going about daily life.